For instance, girls. You like a girl. She gets hooked up with someone else. You go into depression ignoring the other, possibly better girls out there.
For instance, gossip. You hear about someone. You hear about something. You waste your time and thought on that someone or something. Don't get me wrong, its okay if its for comic relief. However, some people really get involved.
In a world like ours nothing is important enough. There are always more important things. You just have to look. There is no point wasting time thinking over a past mistake, wasting time over things that cannot be done, wasting time over your petty insignificant problems.
Unless you're born in Somalia, have had your mother raped and murdered and father decapitated, don't have a home, don't have food to eat, have to use the little energy you have to dodge bullets from the civil war and cry, are helpless and lost, don't even have the means to commit suicide, you don't have a problem. And if you think you do, I wish you have my epiphany.
- Your problem is insignificant compared to the problems human beings have to deal with, so don't get all fucked and depressed, fight it. It won't be very tough.
- The world is so large with so many things to do, see and know. So many. You can't get stuck anywhere. You can't stop. If you are stuck learn to say two simple words - "Fuck That"
- Nothing in the world is worth being depressed about. Shit keeps happening. You can't let every piece of turd pull you down. Life is too short to be depressed about anything anyway. And just look around, the world is massive, there are never any shortage of opportunities.
- Lastly, you'll get what you're looking for. You just have to look hard enough. Nothing comes without any effort. And when it does come, treasure it. You don't know when you'll lose it, and have to start looking all over again.
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